The Red Buckeye Tree (Aesculus pavia) is a deciduous clump-forming shrub or small tree with an irregular rounded crown. Showy, erect, 4-10” long panicles of red to orange-red, narrow-tubular flowers appear in spring. Palmately compound, shiny, dark green leaves are attractive in spring and early summer, but usually begin to decline by August. Smooth, light brown, globular (1-2” diameter) seed capsules encase 1-3 shiny seeds called buckeyes that ripen in the fall. Seeds are poisonous and are avoided by most wildlife. Flowers are attractive to ruby-throated hummingbirds and gernerally bloom at about the same time that the hummingbirds return during spring migration. This tree grows at a slow rate.
What you are purchasing is a Red Buckeye tree, featuring our GTSuper Roots System, at a size and quantity of your choosing. Handle with care.